The biggest modern risk we have is a sedentary lifestyle which leads to inactive, energy imbalance and other harmful diseases. We should get preventive health care, early diagnosis of diseases, dental exams, consultations, vaccinations and immunizations on time. We should be aware of any Information on healthy lifestyles, healthy habits and also regarding weight loss and exercise, pain and depression.
Express Clinics offers various preventive health check-up packages for you and your family ranging from a specific health check-up to a complete whole body checkup.
This Whole Body Package is a complete and thorough full body checkup plan to know your health status in-and-out. This package is recommended to those people who are in the age bracket of 22- 35 years, working professionals and lead a stressful life with little work and personal life balance. This package is ideal for people who lead a fast life and often complain of fatigue, tiredness and joint pain or having lifestyle diseases like anemia, anxiety etc or also suffer from diabetes, any kind of allergy, etc. It is recommended to get it done at least once in a year.
- Haemogram with ESR
- Lipid Profile
- Chest X-Ray
- Kidney Function Test
- USG Abdomen & Pelvis
- Liver Function Test
- BMI & BP
- T3, T4, TSH
- 2D Echo
- Blood Sugar Fasting & PP
- Serum Calcium
- Stress Test (TMT)
- Urine Routine
- Gynec Consultation for Female
- PAP Smear for Female
- Dental Check Up
- HbA1C
- Opthalm Check Up
- Vit B12
- Vitamin D
- PSA for Male
- Diet Consultation
- Physician Consultation
Why Whole Body Package?
- A whole body health checkup is to identify the beginning of any illnesses right off their origin.
- This preventive health checkup keeps up and acts like a servicing of your body to keep your body running for a considerable length of time.
- In a full body checkup, to know your health status in-and-out.
- It keeps the body away from diseases that may happen in future.
Why do you need a Whole Body Package?
- If you have a family history of any diseases like heart problem, diabetes, hypertension, etc.
- If you are in the age bracket of 22-35 years
- If you smoke or consume alcohol on regular interval
- Lack of daily exercises
- Even if you are healthy, you should not take risk with your health
What is the cost of Whole Body Package?
Many diagnostic centers and hospitals offer full body check-up now a days to prevent lifestyle diseases. But to get this preventive health check-up at affordable price is very difficult. The time to complete the whole body check-up needs at least half of the day. So in terms of affordability, accessibility and availability, Express Clinics offers the Whole Body Check-up at the best price and package at just INR 6399 whose actual cost price is INR 16120, almost 60% discount on MRP.