Full body checkup packages
What is Full Body CheckUp Packages? What are all included in Full Body Check Up?
A full body checkup packages is a general health check-up of the body performed by the doctor. The check-up mostly covers the basic systems of the body and the tests which are mostly done, include cardiac tests, lung function tests, tests for the digestive system and tests for the nervous system. Sometimes Doctor adds some more tests based on the clinical history of the patient. The purpose of a full body check up is to detect any disease early so that one can prevent it.
Clinical history and check-ups are an essential part of medicine. However, with the advance of technological investigations, many diseases are diagnosed with blood tests and imaging studies. Many diseases are diagnosed earlier using modern technology where previously whole body check could find nothing, for example prostate cancer, colon cancer, etc.
The biggest modern risk we have is a sedentary lifestyle which leads to inactive, energy imbalance and other harmful diseases. We should get preventive health care, early diagnosis of diseases, dental exams, consultations, vaccinations and immunizations on time. We should be aware of any Information on healthy lifestyles, healthy habits and also regarding weight loss and exercise, pain and depression.