Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer Screening\
Most instances of cervical disease are caused by contamination with HPV (human papillomavirus). HPV is an infection that enters cells and can make them change. A few sorts of HPV have been connected to cervical malignancy and also to the diseases of vulva, vagina, and penis, rear-end, mouth, and throat. Most of the time high risk types HPV infection cause cancer.
HPV is passed from individual to individual due to sexual activity. People who are sexually active and choose sex partners randomly, then they get affected by HPV disease at least once in their lifetime. HPV contamination causes no side effects always. Most HPV contamination leaves the body in their own. These short terms contamination causes small changes in cervical cells. These affected cells get back to normal once the HPV contamination clears. But in fewer women, HPV infection does not go away. If a high risk type HPV infection remains for a long time, then it may cause serious changes in the cells which actually lead to cancer.